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Showing posts with the label 42 U.S. Code § 1981

Most Americans Unaware that CAPS Drastically Limit the Recovery a Plaintiff can Receive from a Winning Lawsuit.

Most people are unaware that statutory caps apply to damages available in Federal Court. These caps drastically limit the recovery that a plaintiff can receive from a winning lawsuit. To put it simply even if a jury awards Millions of dollars to a plaintiff that was discriminated against in the workplace, in most cases that plaintiff's recovery will be reduced to AT MOST $300,000. Why don't people know this? the media loves an exciting email that sells the seemingly contradicting ideals that a) that David can beat Goliath - a single person we can speak truth to power and win against all odds and b) there is too much litigation, and people are just out to shake down corporations. Otherwise, headlines would look something like this: Jane Doe wins 127-million-dollar lawsuit against Acme Executive for Racism and Sexual Harassment BUT  Damages awarded will be reduced to the statutory limit of $300,000. Not exactly effective click bait.     But the truth, in this employme...