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Showing posts with the label Employment Securities Department

Unemployment Law Project may have the answers you need regarding Washington State's unemployment benefits coverage in the age of Covid-19

Here are there top questions of the week: My job is considered essential, but I have some health issues that put me at risk. Do I have to keep working? No. Even if your work is considered essential, you should not put yourself at risk. It’s preferable to stay attached to your employer if possible. Let your employer know that you cannot return until it is safe. Under new rules, you can qualify for unemployment benefits if you are at high risk and are staying home based on medical advice about the dangers related to that risk. File for unemployment and notify your employer when you can return.* Gainey Law Note: However, the risk must be to you personally the analysis may be different if the at risk person is a family member.  My employer has reduced my hours. Do I have to quit to get unemployment? You can apply for benefits and keep working if you were hired to work full time and have your hours temporarily reduced by less than 60 percent. Report the income earned each

Resources for the financially vulnerable

Hi folks, I hope this finds you healthy and calm and safe (if bored) in your homes. I can't help you find that last pack of toilet paper, but I know there are some other concerns brewing out there and I might be able to help. A lot of people are being laid off or otherwise losing their jobs. Employers are making tough decisions. Whether you are an employer or an employee here are some resources to help you get through this. Employees / Formerly employed / Job Searchers: Wondering if your Employer can Take my Temperature at work? Yes they Can. Were your Unemployment Benefits Denied? Do you Need help? Contact the Unemployment Law Project for free legal help with your Appeal. Want to Know More about Your Employment Rights? Fair Work Washington And Labor and Industry Department answers about Corona Virus . EEOC discusses Delayed hiring dates, Health screenings and Questions by Employers. EEOC Covid-19 Employers: Society of Human Resources Management Weathering th