
If you have information about Dr. Douglas Robinson please contact this law firm.

Forced Labor (Slavery) is still a thing in the United States, but hopefully not for long

May is Mental Health Awareness Month: Don't neglect your healing in your fight for justice.

Filed under DUH: Women face more harassment in the workplace than men.

COVID-19 Does My Employer have to Accommodate my Religious Exemption to Vaccination?

Workers Silenced No More in Washington State discrimination Cases

H.R.C. Beijing 1995 "Women's Rights are Human Rights"

Legal Services Available

Not everyone in Seattle who googles, "employment law" is looking for a plaintiff's employment attorney:

Local Kent Company [Carlisle Interconnect Technologies Inc.] closes shop, [Blames Covid-19], but this is not the first time CIT disappoints employees.

Indigent injustice: Criminal Defense, Family Defense (dependency), Adult Guardianship