About Attorney Nicole Gainey

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Seattle, WA, United States
Seattle Attorney, Nicole Gainey, founder of Gainey Law PLLC, represents Washington State employees who have been sexually harassed, discriminated against and wrongfully terminated in legal disputes against their employers. To date, she was litigated against employers large and small seeking justice for her clients.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

COVID-19 Does My Employer have to Accommodate my Religious Exemption to Vaccination?

Under Title VII it is best practice for, "an employer should proceed on the assumption that a request for religious accommodation is based on sincerely held religious beliefs, practices or observances," the EEOC said in its updated guidance. "However, if an employer has an objective basis for questioning either the religious nature or the sincerity of a particular belief, the employer would be justified in making a limited factual inquiry and seeking additional supporting information."

The EEOC added, "An employee who fails to cooperate with an employer's reasonable requests for verification of the sincerity or religious nature of a professed belief, practice or observance risks losing any subsequent claim that the employer improperly denied an accommodation."

The EEOC has identified the following factors that might undermine the credibility of an employee's claim:

  • The employee has acted inconsistently with the professed belief. However, the EEOC said, "employees need not be scrupulous in their observance."
  • The employee is seeking a "particularly desirable" accommodation that is likely to be sought for nonreligious reasons.
  • The timing of the request is suspicious. For example, the employee may have recently requested the same benefit for secular reasons and been denied.
  • The employer otherwise has reason to believe the accommodation is not sought for religious reasons.

While prior inconsistent conduct is relevant to determining the sincerity of an employee's beliefs, the EEOC cautioned that an employee's beliefs (and degree of adherence to such beliefs) may change over time.

"An employer should not assume that an employee is insincere simply because some of the employee's practices deviate from the commonly followed tenets of the employee's religion, or because the employee adheres to some common practices but not others," the agency said. Employers can get the EEOC accommodation request form from the EEOC here.

Employees should be reasonable and cooperative in seeking accommodation. If the requested accommodation would cost your employer more than a trivial amount of money the law could consider the accommodation unreasonable that is - even a small cost can cause the employer  "undue hardship" in religious accommodation cases. Notably be aware that costs include the risk of spreading the coronavirus and other safety hazards.

But a blanket statement about the risk of spreading the virus is not enough. When assessing risk employers should consider objective information, such as whether the employee works outdoors or indoors; works alone or in a group; or has close contact with co-workers, customers or other business partners. If they don't employees may have a valid claim for any adverse action or failure to accommodate their exemption.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Workers Silenced No More in Washington State discrimination Cases

    Washington state became the second in the nation to pass the HB 1795 - 2021-22 also known as the Silenced No More Act on Thursday (March 3, 2022). The new bill bars employers in the state from using non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) to prevent workers from talking about instances of illegal harassment - including sexual harassment - discrimination, retaliation, sexual assault and wage violations.
Despite the fact that the law has been moving in this direction for some time,(they were already banned in cases against the government as agaisnt public policy) defendant corporations and defense attorneys treat NDAs as "standard" and insist on them in every case. Some will argue that this will make cases harder to settle. That the defense only settles to get the NDA. I do not think this is true, I believe these NDAs are an abusive tactic to punish Plaintiff's for coming forward, to keep the company's wrongdoing quiet so they do not have to face the public scrutiny for, or bear the full responsibility of, their actions. 
I have fought these non-disclosure agreements and won, and I have fought them and lost. Though I rejoice at their demise, I am saddened for every plaintiff who remains bound by such an agreement. Perhaps the next bill will make this one retroactive? 

Read more about one of the bill's supporters, Liz Berry, here and read the bill here

H.R.C. Beijing 1995 "Women's Rights are Human Rights"

On the this International Women's Day I honor the women who have been speaking truth to power all my life.

    I was  a clueless youth when Hilary Clinton laid out the truth at the International Women's Conference in Beijing in 1995.  Watch the Speech That quote, Women's Rights are Human Rights seemed like a "duh" moment, to my anti-establishment cynical younger self.  At the same time,  the chill that ran down my spine the first time I heard it also reminded me that it was a dangerous statement to proclaim publicly. That it was a politically dangerous thing to say. Proclaiming women as equal, and demanding our equal treatment, has always been risky business and it remains risky today. So many of the atrocities she catalogues are still very much entrenched in all of our global communities.

I have to run but I will try to add to this post later today....

Stay strong.


Friday, February 25, 2022

Legal Services Available

Other Services Available from this Seattle Washington Law Firm 

Personal Injury cases - If you have suffered by the negligence of others you may need to bring an action to protect your rights. Harms may occur because of car and truck crashes, car and bicycle collisions, dog bites or attacks, trip and falls in public places, private businesses or even at your workplace if your employer is self-insured.

Interpersonal Violence - If you were the victim of an unprovoked physical attack or a sexual assault you may be able to bring a civil action to recover damages. 

Dependency Defense https://www.opd.wa.gov/ 

Private Minor Guardianships - Keeping children and families together sometimes means temporarily transferring your legal rights to another person. Our firm can help you establish a Title 11 Guardianship or petition for an emergency guardianship.

Wednesday, October 13, 2021

Not everyone in Seattle who googles, "employment law" is looking for a plaintiff's employment attorney:

If you are looking for help with other "employment law" issues, here are some local resources who may be better able to serve you:

Linda S. Fang and her firm Banyan Legal Counsel

Employment Law: Human Resources (HR) Advice and Counseling

Business Startup and Expansion

Contract Drafting, Negotiation

Audits, Investigations, and Complaints

Jeannette Adams Gorman and her firm Socius Law Group

Business Services 

Alternative Dispute Resolution

Business Growth

Litigation Defense

Real Estate

Employment and Labor Resources

Tax Planning 

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Local Kent Company [Carlisle Interconnect Technologies Inc.] closes shop, [Blames Covid-19], but this is not the first time CIT disappoints employees.


Company blames Covid-19. But,

Internal company documents reveal a plan — internally code-named Project Cyprus — to move 30% of the annual business previously projected for Kent to China, another 26% to Mexico and most of the rest to other U.S. locations.

Michaels said that while transferring manufacturing to Mexico remains standard for U.S. aerospace companies, sending it to China is “against the grain” at this moment of high political tension in U.S.-China relations.

The Carlisle Interconnect Technologies manufacturing plant in Kent [closed in August.] (Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)The Carlisle Interconnect Technologies manufacturing plant in Kent last month. (Ellen M. Banner / The Seattle Times)

Gender Discrimination Lawsuit filed agaisnt Carlisle Interconnect Technologies in King County Superior Court. 

Monday, March 1, 2021

Indigent injustice: Criminal Defense, Family Defense (dependency), Adult Guardianship

"[M]illions of Americans continue to find the odds stacked heavily against them in legal proceedings they are forced to navigate alone, confused by the rules and outmatched by state or private adversaries. Too often, it’s a profound injustice.

This article relates to criminal defendants, parents in dependency cases, and vulnerable adults in guardianship cases. Read more: HERE.

This report explores Washington’s Foster Care System: Susannah Frame on DCYF

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

You have been handed a Severance Agreement - now what?

It's happening all over the place. Your temporary Covid-19 furlough or lay-off has turned into a termination. Your company has handed you a severance letter that includes a lot of language requiring you to do things and refrain from doing things. It may offer a nominal sum of money. Should you sign the severance agreement? 

the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) has some advice on the severance agreements. Click Here to review the full article.


  • Make sure that you understand the agreement
  • Check for deadlines and act promptly
  • Consider having an attorney review the severance agreement
  • Make sure you understand what you are giving up in exchange for severance pay or benefits
  • Review the agreement to ensure that it does not ask you to release nonwaivable rights

Monday, November 23, 2020

Gainey Law Dependency Cases


ABA presents:

We are the Lucky Ones: Reunification Stories by Former Foster Youth

We have collected powerful stories of individuals who entered the child welfare system when they were children and were eventually returned to their parents.

  • Diana is now a psychology major in college and hopes to help children who are going through the same experiences she once did. Read Diana's story.
  • Terrell recounts his feelings of hearing other adults speak badly of his mother, who is now his best friend and inspiration. Read Terrell's story.
  • Indira and Titus are siblings who were separated from each other when they were removed from their home. As children, they were powerless to decide what happened to them and felt their voices were not heard. Now as adults, they decided to tell us what they experienced and how they felt, so that all of us can learn from their stories. Read Indira's and Titus's stories.

--Jey Rajaraman, Chief Counsel, and Chiori Kaneko, Staff Attorney, Legal Services of New Jersey

Monday, November 9, 2020

Work, Safety, and Covid-19 Grievances

As we all head back to work, what can you do if your workplace is unsafe? Can unions protect you? How do you protect yourself? Info can be found here: Covid-19 Grievances 

Recently Posted Gainey Employment Attorney

Workplace Bullying Project

          I just had the pleasure of meeting with the Workplace Bullying Project's founder Lauri Lilli. What a breathe of fresh air for ...